Building Automation Systems (BAS) bring together multiple systems within your facility (HVAC, lighting, motors, building envelope, etc.) and controls them so they function properly. Because every building is unique, every BAS is also unique. Depending on how the BAS was installed, it may never have been set to run in the most efficient manner. Additionally, over time, changes in the BAS or building use may result in excessive energy use.
It is important to periodically review your BAS configuration and settings to ensure that you are not wasting energy. A controls technician can perform this review or it can be done automatically using analytics software. Often times, simple low or no cost changes can save considerable energy and money.
Here are five ways a BAS can save you money:
Building Schedules-The most efficient piece of equipment is one that is OFF. If you are running your HVAC equipment or lighting when your building is unoccupied, it is a complete waste of energy. Building owners and facility managers need to consider many questions when creating or revising building schedules. Does your equipment run when the building is unoccupied? Are there certain floor or areas that do not follow the main building schedule? Does your system have optimal start/stop? Do you have holiday exception scheduled programmed for those individual circumstances?
Temperature Setpoints-By reviewing temperature settings, you can often find many areas that are wasting energy by trying to reach unattainable setpoints. We recommend setting high and low limits for your thermostats in order to prevent over heating/cooling. Keep in mind that the most efficient settings in July are not the most efficient settings in January.
Economizing-When outdoor air conditions allow, you can take advantage of free heating/cooling. With economizer controls, you can maintain tenant comfort in your building by mixing in the optimal amount of outside air, which reduces the amount of mechanical heating or cooling required.
Supply Air Temperature Reset-Your BAS can be programmed to vary the supply air temperature based on indoor and outdoor air conditions, balancing the comfort needs of the space and the overall efficiency of your system.
Hot/Chilled Water Reset-Hot water boilers decrease in efficiency as the load decreases. By performing a hot water reset, you can save energy by maintaining the lowest possible hot water supply temperature that will meet the needs of your building. Similarly, many chilled water systems are set to provide the highest possible cooling load for the facility. By resetting the chilled water temperatures to meet demand, you can realize significant savings.
Brady’s BAS experts can assist in implementing and verifying the above energy saving measures or help you get started with the building automation process. As a leading building services provider for over 55 years, our expertise has expanded as technologies and the needs of our clients progress. Understanding, implementing, and servicing BAS has been one of our main focuses since building automation began to be more widely used in the late 1970s.